Friday, 30 March 2012

Collages of Room 13

March - Room 13 Best Class At Junior Assembley

Autumn Poems

The leaves whistle with excitement as they play with the wind.  Whoosh! The gold and crimson leaves are beautiful.  Crimson, gold, bronze and orange are the most beautiful colours of the leaves.  The weather is cooler in Autumn. The days are still warm but the nights are a little cooler.  I love picking vegetables, apples and oranges.  I eat them at home and school.  The weather is as cold as an iceberg, Crackle!  When I run on the soft leaves and they crunch under my feet.  The wind says to the leaves, “Come with your vivid vibrant clothes”.

The leaves are as colourful as a vivid colourful rainbow and the leaves go Crunch! Crunch! crunch, when we step on them, and the colours of the leaves are gold and crimson bronze.  The frosty rushing wind is as cold as the white ice.

Artwork-March 2012

Saturday, 24 March 2012

26 March 2012

Dear Parents/Caregivers of Room 13 children,

Welcome to our blog site. I thought this media would be ideal to share our classroom stories, poems, news and photos with you. It will give you the opportunity to discuss with your child what they are learning about and it will be a great motivator for the children to produce quality work. I would like to include photos of the children working and the captions will explain what they are about and not include the names of any children. The school sent home a form that you signed to give permission for photos to be used on our school website but if you do not want a photo of your child in the classroom blog please let me know.

Kind regards,

Linda Maynard